Deformation monitoring of buildings interfering with gravitational slope instability processes


Comune di Civitacampomarano


January 2022 – in progress
Civitacampomarano (CB), Italy
Interferometria SAR Satellitare, PhotoMonitoring, Fotogrammetria da SAPR Problematica

Deformation monitoring of buildings interfering with gravitational slope instability processes

Comune di Civitacampomarano
January 2022 – in progress
Civitacampomarano (CB), Italy
Satellite SAR Interferometry, PhotoMonitoring, UAS Surveys


Structural instabilities of buildings interfering with slope instability processes affecting the Civitacampomarano (CB. Italy) town.


Structural instabilities of buildings interfering with slope instability processes affecting the Civitacampomarano (CB. Italy) town.


A monitoring campaign has been designed based on the application of different remote sensing techniques for the survey and control of the main cracks affecting the buildings.
In order to get information about the deformation behavior of the buildings in previous epochs, an historical analysis by A-DInSAR techniques has been carried out. In addition, a 36-month satellite A-DInSAR monitoring will be carried out to assess the efficacy of the upcoming works aimed at reducing the structural vulnerability.
Moreover, periodic surveys will be carried out by terrestrial Photomonitoring techniques aimed at monitoring the main structural cracks affecting the buildings in the red zone.Multi-temporal photogrammetric UAS surveys are also scheduled before and after the consolidation works.


A monitoring campaign has been designed based on the application of different remote sensing techniques for the survey and control of the main cracks affecting the buildings.
In order to get information about the deformation behavior of the buildings in previous epochs, an historical analysis by A-DInSAR techniques has been carried out. In addition, a 36-month satellite A-DInSAR monitoring will be carried out to assess the efficacy of the upcoming works aimed at reducing the structural vulnerability.
Moreover, periodic surveys will be carried out by terrestrial Photomonitoring techniques aimed at monitoring the main structural cracks affecting the buildings in the red zone. Multi-temporal photogrammetric UAS surveys are also scheduled before and after the consolidation works.